We are going on a planet far away this week

We were on mars, We did it me and my copilot screamed yeessssss we are the fist ones here.
But little did we know all the little scare crow like figures standing upright were other people so me and my friend now started walking and my friend heard a power up for like an alien gun but nothing was there, but what we didn’t know was we were walking in circles but every time the alien people were moving around so it didn’t look like we were going in circles but we caaught onto there evil scheme, It was war!

“It was the wrong colour!…”

It was the wrong colour!… it was all the wrong colour I just new, even my mum was saying “it was the wrong colour” everything was the wrong colour I checked my phone the black stuff was white and the white stuff was black. (“what was wrong”) I said to myself, so I ran all the way home, there were people clutching there heads as I ran past. When I got home I closed my eyes and I ran at the wall out the front… but it didn’t break at all I was on the wall side ways.

By Tys

… I Was so cross that…

I was so cross that … ran all the way to the public bridge and I did a triple front flip off of. And I landed so majestically that I won a golden ribbon in a public diving contest and I didn’t even enter but I had a evil plan. I would annoy my friend forever and he will get so mad so I watched his twitch stream and I got In the same game and I killed him lots of times, but I changed my name so he didn’t know it was me the evil plan had finally worked muahhahaha.